Wednesday, November 18, 2009


So sorry for not being able to stay in touch, Loyal Scotch Chix Fans. It has been a brutal month, both physically and in terms of balancing work with the multitude of doctor's appointments. CA Scotch Chick most definitely did not have the time to be run over by a car!

The recovery process, particularly for the foot, has been disappointingly slow. It ended up living in its splint for 8 weeks instead of 6, and when it emerged it was a quivering mass of raw nerves, unused muscles, and excruciatingly tight ligaments and tendons. Learning to walk on it again is requiring a fair amount of gritted teeth and colorful language. This is definitely not the kind of pain one "rides." Quite interesting how many kinds of pain there are.

The eye has stabilized enough so that CA Scotch Chick could take the special driver's license exam and get back behind the wheel of her PT Cruiser convertible last week (the bum foot is the left one). This has taken some of the load off of CA Scotch Gent, who, even with his hurt wrists, has borne the brunt of getting CA Scotch Chick where she needed to go.

And so, life is slowly returning to normal, and with it, I hope, Scotch Chix will as well. I believe we were planning to discuss a certain used book store in Portland when we were so rudely interrupted. Tune in next week, Loyal Scotch Chix Fans, for CA Scotch Chix' review of one of the most awesome bookstores in the world.

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