Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Life can Change in a Split Second

Hey Loyal Scotch Chix Fans! Sorry that it has been awhile since there has been a post. Life recently changed pretty dramatically for the CA Scotch Couple. On Labor Day Weekend, the CA Scotch Couple was car-jacked in a parking lot in Northern California.

CA Scotch Gent was violently assaulted and suffered from broken wrists, head wounds, and multiple lacerations. CA Scotch Chick was more than a bit too slow on her feet, and ended up being run over by the car. She spent the next 8 days in the ICU and 10 days in the hospital trying to get her lungs to work again, nursing a split open left foot, and adjusting to the fact that she had lost most of the sight in her right eye. It was a dark time, and while the CA Scotch Couple are now back home in San Diego, there is still a long road ahead before life returns to any semblance of normalcy.

Of course, CA Scotch Chick has written the incident up. It is a bit long and rather intense for the more delicate Scotch Chix Fans to stumble upon over a cup of coffee in the morning, though. If Loyal Scotch Chix Fans want to travel the dark road the CA Scotch Couple travelled, however, here is a link.

CA Scotch Chick will try to keep up with posts in between the multitude of doctor's appointments (and, of course, naps). Until then, hold on tight to the ones you love, Loyal Scotch Chix Fans. It can all change in a split second.

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