Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Grown-up Glass Part 2

When the Scotch Chix launched their web site in 2008, they each served their guests whisky from hodge-podge of nosing glasses derived from whisky purchases and surprising finds at consignment stores. With the advent of Scotch Chix though, CA Scotch Chick realized that if the Chix were going to hold themselves out as whisky lovers, such a situation simply would not stand.

Consequently, soon after launching Scotch Chix, CA Scotch Chick outfitted DC Scotch Chick with a set of her very own whisky glasses. She researched the best of the best glasses, decided that the Glencairn glass was worthy, and managed to score a fantastic price for the set from the good folks at Cobhthaigh Celtique, see A Grown-up Glass.

A quick note about whisky glasses. The shape of a true whisky glass is very unlike the cut glass tumblers of Hollywood fame. A good whisky glass concentrates the nose and presents the liquid to the palate in as optimal a way as possible.

The Glencairn glass is truly a fine whisky glass. These little gems were created for the pub and restaurant trade, and not only do they present the whisky in a way that allows a true appreciation of its finer points, they are sturdy little glasses that fit nicely in one's hand and don't break easily.

Despite her best of intentions, however, CA Scotch Chick never got around to purchasing the CA Scotch Couple a set of whisky glasses. The CA Scotch Couple's natural tendency to be reclusive combined with their diminutive Little Beach House meant that entertaining was simply not a priority.

Studio A changed all that. The CA Scotch Couple now had no excuse — Studio A had ample space for entertaining, and the CA Scotch Couple had even gone against their deepest ingrained misanthropic natures and scheduled a party. It was time for the CA Scotch Couple to get their own grown-up glasses.

In addition, it is an understatement to say that CA Scotch Gent had a pretty awful birthday last year. He spent it with broken wrists and a split open head waiting to see if CA Scotch Chick would survive surgery. This time last year the CA Scotch Couple came very close to being no more, and CA Scotch Gent, consequently, did not get much celebrating done. He deserved to have an extra special birthday this year.

With CA Scotch Gent's birthday falling a week after the CA Scotch Couple's unveiling of Studio A and coinciding with the anniversary of their accident, CA Scotch Chick desperately wanted to find a gift that would appropriately celebrate her best buddy, their amazing new home, and their stolen year together. Consequently, she again turned to Dave and Marty Coffey of Cobhthaigh Celtique to make it happen.

The Coffeys are a remarkable couple who travel the world on whisky adventures, and who happen to have both the least expensive prices for sets of Glencairn glasses and the best customer service. Their site, Cobhthaigh Celtique is also a photography site — the Coffeys are skilled photographers, and they sell haunting photos of the scenery captured on their whisky adventures. However, CA Scotch Chick was seeking out the Coffeys for both their killer prices on their Glencairn glasses as well as their all important custom etching.

The Coffeys do all of their etching in house. When CA Scotch Chick asked about the etching process she was told that they do both true type font initials and custom logos. CA Scotch Chick sent them a logo she had created for Studio A, and while the Coffeys say that they aren't graphic artists, they certainly tweaked CA Scotch Chick's Studio A logo to make it eminently etch worthy.

Two years after first working with the Coffeys, CA Scotch Chick was just as impressed this time around. The Coffeys cleaned up her logo, provided updates on timing, and turned the job around in an astonishingly short time period — certainly long before the August 31st party. In addition, they are still the best source on the net for multiple glass purchases, and their etching service is amazingly affordable. Oh, and, one final note, CA Scotch Chick didn't realize this before — Cobhthaigh is Gaelic for their name, Coffey, so the Coffeys also get points for a clever word play.

And so, when the CA Scotch Couple undraped their furniture hours before their party, CA Scotch Gent found a special present under the plastic, a set of his very own grown-up glasses. The CA Scotch Couple set them out on the Drinks Table, and their guests were more than suitably impressed. It was an evening to remember, full of toasts from good friends to Studio A, CA Scotch Gent, and the long and happy stolen years ahead for the CA Scotch Couple.


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