Friday, February 13, 2009

Mmmmmm, Chocolate and Whisky

The CA Scotch Couple attended a party last night — a rarity due to their misanthropic tendencies and love of snuggling up early in bed with a good book. It was bitterly cold for San Diego (50 degrees), but the CA Scotch Couple really like their host and hostess, so they grabbed their coats and a cab and headed to the party. They also grabbed a bottle of the Glenlivet 18. 

The party was actually quite enjoyable. Their host and hostess were, as always, a delight. The house was amazing, with a stunning view of San Diego, and the mingling part wasn't too uncomfortable. The highlight of the evening, however, was an amazing Tasty Treat for dessert. The CA Scotch Couple's host had brought in these huge, delicious chocolate covered caramels from a little shop just around the corner. 

These weren't just caramels, folks. These were caramels on steroids. They were four times the size of a regular caramel (our host cut them into manageable 4ths), and they were the richest chocolates the CA Scotch Couple have ever had, even topping the ones in Belgium! And, oh my, oh my, they were absolutely perfect with the Glenlivet 18. The fruitiness of the single malt and the rich chocolate flavor were absolutely incredible.

The name of the establishment providing these goodies was The Elegant Truffle 1111 Scott St. San Diego, CA 92106. Our host indicated that it was a relatively new shop, but the on-line reviews go back almost a year. However long it has been there, it is already making an impact, and if the other chocolates are anything like the homemade mega-carmels, it is well worth a visit. CA Scotch Chick will definitely be checking it out.

So this Valentine's Day, why not pick up your honey a caramel on steroids and a bottle of the Glenlivet 18? It will be an evening to remember.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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