Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Renaissance Rum Man and Johnnie Walker Green

The CA Scotch Couple are privileged to have a very dear friend they have dubbed the Renaissance Rum Man. This remarkably talented individual is as adept with his mind as well as his hands. He pens wickedly funny emails, restores vintage aircraft and tractors, and is the first person the CA Scotch Couple head to when they need to solve a thorny problem. 

The only flaw this amazing friend has is that he turns his nose up at single malt whisky in favor of rum, a preference that remains baffling to the CA Scotch Couple, since they cannot picture him listening to Jimmy Buffet and sporting parrot paraphernalia. The CA Scotch Couple benefit from this preference every once in awhile, however, and they did so recently when the Renaissance Rum Man passed a bottle of Johnnie Walker Green he had received as a gift their way. 

Johnny Walker Green is the only vatted malt in the Johnnie Walker line. The company describes it as a distinctive blend of single malts (a vatted malt in our book). They use four single malt whiskys: Talisker, Linkwood, Cragganmore, and Caol Ila to create their Johnnie Walker Green.

Johnnie Walker Green turned out to be a fairly pleasant vatted malt. The two Speyside malts, Linkwood and Cragganmore do a good job of balancing out the peat and smoke of the Talisker and Caol Ila, resulting in a smoky, slightly sweet scotch. It wasn't quite as rich and complex as the CA Scotch Couple expected it to be — a bit flat in the body, but it was definitely palatable.

The Renaissance Rum Man has become perhaps our most Loyal Scotch Chix Fan, and he suggested that the Scotch Chix take the approach of writing Johnny Walker Green up as a scotch to turn to in hard times. However, a look on-line and at the local Costco disclosed that it was not an inexpensive scotch. In fact, it was more costly than the Glenlivet 18. 

Loyal Scotch Chix Fans will read more about the Renaissance Rum Man in the future. The CA Scotch Couple have been threatening an evening with the intention saving his poor rum soaked soul and converting him to the finer things in life. Of course, he plans to bring his best rum, so the conversion could go either way.

Below, please find CA Scotch Chix review of Johnnie Walker Green.

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