Friday, December 26, 2008

A Very Happy Holiday!

CA Scotch Gent is a bit of an idealist. As an academic he has the opportunity to investigate issues that affect society and lend his extensive intellect and energies toward championing causes he feels are worthy. In order to stay academically neutral, however, he receives nothing more than knowing that he has put on his white hat and struck a blow against the bad guys of the world.  The folks he joins forces with are extremely grateful for his assistance, however, and this holiday season, there was a gift under the tree from one of them, a bottle of Highland Park 30!

As befitted a truly special gift, CA Scotch Couple waited all day to open the Highland Park 30. They lovingly took it from its box and snapped photos, admired the color, read the insert, and poured. They sampled it three ways, after pouring, with a drop of distilled water, and (with the drop in it) after allowing it to breathe for a half an hour. 

The best by far was the one they waited for. All three had a similar sea salt nose, but while the initial pour was smooth and quite good, there was a slight bitterness to it that the drop of water did not dilute. Allowing the whisky to breathe totally erased any bitterness and brought out the butter, orange, and hint of chocolate. It was a truly special single malt sipping experience, and they'll be saving it for other special occasions (such as when DC Scotch Chick comes to call).

Hope your holidays were just as special. The Scotch Chix have reviewed Highland Park 30 once before, but below please find an updated review.

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