Friday, September 26, 2008


Vinmonopolet in Oslo Train Station

A trip abroad would not be complete without a visit to the local liquor store. CA Scotch Chick wishes she could say that she made her pilgrimage solely in the interest of research. However, the truth is, the CA Scotch Couple was having so much trouble exercising restraint with the Highland Park 16, that she was forced to pick up some Highland Park 12 to supplement. The CA Scotch Couple rationalized that they needed it for comparison purposes, but even CA Scotch Chick knows that they were just kidding themselves.

Vinmonopolet is a government run liquor store. This fact and the high VAT in Europe make the prices run shockingly higher than at the Duty Free. For example, the Highland Park which was 239 NOK (about 39 dollars) at Oslo Duty Free was 409 NOK (about 70 dollars) at Vinmonopolet. Still, unlike many government liquor stores, Vinmonopolet did not suffer from a lack of selection. There were a dozen decent single malt whiskys on the shelf. 

There are Vinmonopolets throughout the country. The most convenient is right in the Oslo train station. So, if you happen to run through your Highland Park 16, and need a back-up at outrageous prices, you know there is a choice.

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