Friday, January 2, 2009

So, You're Still a Scotch Virgin?

Don't be embarrassed. All of us had to have that special first experience. Why not let the Scotch Chix take your hand and guide you through the process of discovering the smoothest and sexiest of drinks: the single malt?

Begin by choosing a gentle partner. CA Scotch Chick lost her heart to Highland Park 12. DC Scotch Chick's road to discovery started with Bruichladdich 12. While they are both easy partners, we think the smooth buttery taste of Highland Park 12 would be the better choice for a scotch virgin. 

Take a moment to appreciate your partner. Play with your glass - swirl the thick liquid around and notice how gorgeous it is. Part your lips slightly and breathe in the aromas. Be patient. The first whiff may only elicit a smell of alcohol. Try again.  You should soon be able to discern some of the scotch's subtle scents.

Now close your eyes and sip. Let the luscious liquid linger on your palate. Focus on the how it feels – the velvety smoothness, the slight tingle. Then transfer your attention to the taste. Can you discern the butter, the toffee, the slight spice?

Now without breathing in, go ahead and swallow. Again, focus on what your senses are telling you. Do you notice your partner politely lingering, warm and comforting, perhaps giving you one last little rush?

Let out a big sigh and start over again, with more confidence this time. After all, you have both a gentle and a willing partner. Each encounter will further enlighten you to its depth of character.

Congratulations! You have lost your scotch virginity and taken your first step to becoming a Scotch Chick or Gent. Your journey is only just beginning.

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